Monday 5 April 2010

Even the Smallest Flowers can be Beautiful

Yesterday morning promised to be a good writing opportunity. All household chores had been done, gym was not on the agenda due to cricked wrists, and we were off to lunch elsewhere, to be followed by a dog walk. So there were no excuses for not writing. I sat down and decided - given I had oodles of time - to have a quick look at Twitter. Someone had posted a link to an interesting blog so I read that, and commented. That made me think of an article a friend had written which I hadn't yet read, so I read that on-line, and then another one she'd written for the same publication. And then I read about Scarlett Johannson being in Iron Man, and something about Kate Middleton and cup cakes, all of which I could sort of justify as research because I might try to write for this publication too, and somehow two hours just slipped away.

My lovely writing morning had vanished. I had under an hour left before the real world intruded. It hardly seemed worth opening the new novel file, but I decided not to berate myself for having wasted so much time on surfing, and instead get on with some writing. And then proceeded to have the most useful 45 minutes I've had on this novel. Suddenly the first quarter, which I 've been struggling with these last few months, fell into place. I could see how the scenes were going to work and interlace with each other.

It was good to be reminded that time spent with the novel, even if it isn't the ideal, is never wasted. Any time is better than nothing, and in this case, it was just what was needed. So grab whatever time you can - even ten minutes can make a difference.

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