Friday, 25 December 2009

The Twelve Exercises of Christmas: 1

As some people may have next week off and fancy a bit of writing, I thought I'd suggest some writing exercises...

Choose a character - it may be someone from a WIP or a completely new invention. List some of their character traits eg shy, fearless, wild, scary, timid, angry, happy, egotistical, witty....
Now, write a quick scene where the character displays that characteristic. The only rule is you're not allowed to mention the trait (or synonyms), you can only show it.

Happy Christmas, every one!


David said...

Another great post. I love reading your blog and always find something inspirational to reflect on. Thank you! I am one of the lucky ones who has got the next week off and free of engagements so am looking forward to getting some serious writing done.

Thanks again,

Sarah Duncan said...

Thanks David, glad you like it. I hope you get lots of writing done over the coming week. Happy Christmas!