Friday 29 April 2011

Royal Wedding Fever

Over the last couple of days I've heard a lot of Royal Wedding stories. There's the one that William is still getting over being madly in love with the girl he went out with when he and Kate were on their break - a potential Camillagate situation my informant told me gleefully. Then there's the one that Kate's already pregnant. Which sits strangely with the 'fact' that she's got anorexia. And then...

But why add anything? A nice young couple are getting married. There are going to be carriages and a lot of blokes in red uniforms and gold braid. The couple seem very happy together. End of story.

Except of course, nice is not a good story telling adjective. Neither is normal, or happy, or straightforward. We want a bit of story telling with our pageantry, and I have to admit I'm glad it wasn't my job to write up the Royal Wedding because there's not much story to write about. A lack of drama is great for real life but it's no good for entertainment, whether fiction or non-fiction (eg memoir or biography).

Anyway, I hope William and Kate will be very happy together and live their real lives with as little drama as possible.


Karen said...

Well said :o) (I'll probably just watch the highlights on the news though!)

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

I've ended up watching it all with my daughter and thought it was splendid. The drama with the poor horseman who was unseated and then his horse cantered off passed the Will & Kate's carriage was a little bit of added drama though.

Karen said...

I've ended up watching nearly all of it too, but I missed the horse drama!

Sarah Duncan said...

I saw the horse drama, but they handled it so deftly I thought I'd got it wrong.

I've been fascinated how over the weekend it's the No 1 topic of conversation. Women like Kate's dress, and men like Pippa in her dress...